Animated Jewellery, 2013

Bella Mung Works

Bella Mung Prize 

A Pearl necklace is the core material in the collection. Since a pearl necklace is an iconic piece of jewelry it would be interesting to question and extend the potential.  In the collection, a wearable is not my aim as the works are challenging the stereotypical perceptions of what a pearl necklace is.

I was There, 2012

It is a live project given by Barbican Centre, London which is about the exhibition ”Bauhaus Art as Life”.  The extra button is a memento mori of Bauhaus and sold at the shop in Barbican Centre.  The button is made with water-soluble plastic that will melt in water slowly.  The material is a metaphor for the Bauhaus school, and the wire is the spirit of Bauhaus as an inspiration in art and design.  In the end, there will be only the wire left on the wearer’s clothes. 

Life Journey, 2012

It is a live project given by Tin Plate Workers.  The inspiration for the piece comes from a tin can.  The tin can is used to keep food fresh but after opening, the tin starts becoming rubbish.  On the other hand, it is also another process to become a recycled object.  Therefore, the tin can will have different meanings and ways of using it.  This leads me to ponder life’s journey, which we need to be aware of.

Hidden Value, 2013

The inspiration for this piece comes from my mother who is wearing a chain partly underneath her clothes for herself and partly visible to intrigue the viewer about what is hidden.

For this jewelry, I use a golden chain not only for connecting with earrings but also as intrigue for the viewer.  Surprisingly, a diamond is hidden underneath the hair, which is a metaphor for the wearer’s secret.

Clothes Transforming Brooch, 2012

I was always looking for different ways to wear a brooch.  Therefore, I designed to use an elastic ring to gather the fabric to create a movement of the clothes instead of wearing a brooch in traditional ways. 

Connection, 2011


It is a live project given by V&A, London which is about the exhibition ” Postmodernism”.  My inspiration comes from a post-modern dance history video of a performance artist- Dimitris Papioannou and my response to post-modern is “Connection”.

Connection is an important issue that we cannot ignore and live without it. Therefore, I created a brooch that makes a connection from the wearer to another person (listener) who is wearing an earphone.  As brooch usually is pinned around the chest area which is
close to the heart, so when the two people are connected, the listener will listen to the wearer’s heart-
beat, feeling, and what he or she wants to say secretly.

Furthermore, the wearer’s clothes will be pulled to create an angle while the listener pulls out the earphone from the plug (brooch). The pulling action, not only shows the strong relationship between the
brooch and the clothes, but also creates a strong “post-modern angle shape”.

Angel to Devil, 2009

This collection is inspired by a story I created that tells how an angel slowly turns into a devil.  In this collection, I used six rings to tell the story starting with the silver ring (the angel) and slowly eroding by the pewter (the devil).